Welcome to Pearl Institute Co., Ltd.
Taking “fair and neutral” stance among seller,producer and consumer, we aim at the realization of the reliable “pearl grading” by issuing pearl grading report that everybody can understand.

At present, pearl industry is facing many difficult problems. Among them, production decrease and quality degradation caused by worsening pearl farm environment, intensive competition stemmed from globalization of production and distribution and the lack of authorized quality standard like JAS or Wool Mark have become main causes to loose customers confidence. We will realize a reliable pearl grading with which pearl identification report is issued to clarify the responsibility in manufacturing and sales of pearl products, and to establish market environment enabling sound pearl trading.
Pearl identification of Pearl Institute Co., Ltd.

Based on the grading standard of Pearl Institute Co., Ltd., grading is done by specialists having experience and technique festered over half century, followed by instrumental examination.

The beauty of the cultured pearl is composed of the combination with culturing and processing technique. Accordingly, the identification is also done with whether the pearl is cultured and how it is processed.

As for the quality elements of the pearl, shape, nacre thickness, surface, luster and color, grading is done by macrography, and instrumental examination such as nacre thickness measurement by ultrasonic device supports it.
Operation of Pearl Institute Co., Ltd.
At present, pearl industry is facing many difficult problems. Among them, production decrease and quality degradation caused by worsening pearl farm environment, intensive competition stemmed from globalization of production and distribution and the lack of authorized quality standard like JAS or Wool Mark have become main causes to loose customers confidence.
We will realize a reliable pearl grading with which pearl identification report is issued to clarify the responsibility in manufacturing and sales of pearl products, and to establish market environment enabling sound pearl trading.